Thursday, December 16, 2021

We had a Good Run

 Maybe I should say HE had a good run, but there's more than one.  This is about the good run of three good men in my life.

If you are on my Facebook page, you know that I have been wrapped up in football for weeks and the intensity took on new levels this year.  My junior is the starting quarterback, safety and is out there to do different jobs for special teams, too.  He's on the field a LOT.

My freshman played football, as well.  Thursday nights for he took the field as a player.  Friday night,  he entertained us on the drum line for Marching Band.  AJ's Marching Band participated in a contest every weekend in October.  We were unable to advance past Area, but they were AMAZING!!!!!

The football games for Varsity continued into the semi-finals last Thursday where we fell to Lorena just one game short of State game.  These boys fought SO hard and for SO long.  This is only the second time in Lago Vista history that they made it to week 5 of the playoffs.  Out of 106 teams in 3A - Div I, we were one of 4 standing.  I mean COME ON!!!  That's not just a good run, that's a GREAT RUN.

The pressure was on.  Tensions get higher every week.  ThenMonday of that week going into the game, we learned that their grandfather had passed away in the night.  Gary had been ill for quite some time.  We knew that it was bad.  On Monday, I couldn't stop crying.  Well, that's not entirely true.  I would stop.  I would try to get some work done.  Then, I would spontaneously cry again.  I finally quit trying to get anything done and I just decided to be sad.  I think maybe I was a little jealous, too.

Gary woke up in heaven.  He walked through the pearly gates, met Jesus and got to hug Bryce again.  I'd say that his day was FAR better than anyone's that he left behind.  He isn't in pain any longer.  His incredibly intelligent way always caught me off guard.  I could tell story after story of things about Gary that make me smile; some I was there for.  Others were stories that Bryce or other members of his family shared over the years.

Last week, my boys swallowed their sadness for days.  They performed on a football field Thursday night and woke up early Friday to go bury their grandfather.  Their composure on Friday was significantly better than mine.  We turned RIGHT around to come back to Lago for AJ to be able to perform for his concert Friday night.  He woke up early on Saturday to get on a bus to audition for all-state.  He didn't advance, but he's a freshman.  He tried it and he'll be back at it next year.

We suffered some pretty huge losses last week, but my men have impressed me more that I can ever express.  One day, I hope I grow up to be like them and handle things in the impressive way that they have.

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