Wednesday, August 12, 2015

#BStrong Gear

Many have expressed interest in where to get #BStrong gear.  I will start taking orders and payment now through August 31st.  I'll get the order in the first week of September and should have the product delivered mid-September.
Stobb Family in BStrong t-shirts
Products Available:
Unisex T-Shirts: S-XXL...............$15
Women's Tank Tops: S-XXXL......$15
11oz Ceramic Coffee Mug.............$8

Both of the shirts and the koozies will be the same #BStrong blue.  The coffee mugs will be white with a blue logo on them.

I have PayPal & can send you requests for payment & receipts that way or accept cash, of course.  All I need is an email address for me to send the request from PayPal.

Pass the word along to anyone you know that follows along and has mentioned wanting some #BStrong stuff!!!!  Commenting on this will work.  However, the best way to send me what you want is by email at

Love to you all and KEEP THOSE PRAYERS COMING IN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Vacation Ends & Reality Begins

Hello to everyone out there.  If you are facebook friends with myself or the hubz, then you may have seen a picture or two along our epic journey.  It was seriously the road trip of a lifetime.  Stobb Family Tour had many ups and downs.  OK.... me breaking my ankle was the down of the trip and was sort of a game changer.  However, I didn't want to let it stop us from seeing some really, REALLY cool stuff.  My favorite was the entire sate of Idaho & Oregon.  Also Crater Lake, which happens to be in Oregon.

Crater Lake
When we left our home, we knew we wanted to see some people that we rarely get to see.  We had a couple of items on our list:  Dinosaur National Monument, Yellowstone, Giant Redwoods, etc.  What we encountered was SOooooooo much more.  Our plan was to not have a plan.  We'd wake up & decide where we were headed for the day.  Stay off the main highways and run into all the beauty that we possible can.  I feel like that was a success.  We also didn't necessarily mean for it to be a National Park vacation, but the first place we stopped was Capulin Volcano.  Bryce talked to the guy in the visitor center about his disability status.  As a result, he is able to get into National Parks for free.  AJ was REALLY into getting Jr. Ranger badges /patches at each of the parks we went to.  So, it became a thing.  And it was GREAT!!!!!!  Hopefully, Bryce and I will sit down and discuss each route and road we took.  Because I HIGHLY recommend it!  And 2 days after walking in the door, I left with the boys and headed for Houston to visit friends and my parents.

Now..... it was an AWESOME vacation.  We saw amazing things!  But truth be told, we were ready to come home.  It was time.  And even though I longed for home, I'd love to ride that high forever. Thank goodness for memories.  However, reality is starting to settle in again.  Bryce and I are reversing roles in the house again.  And because of the broken ankle, it's happening NOW.  He's cooking.  He's cleaning.  I'm looking for a job.  My job today (& everyday) is to FIND A JOB!!!!  It already feels weird.  I am sitting at the computer applying, updating and uploading while they scurry around me.  This does give me the chance to stay off of the ankle also, but it does feel weird.  I've even received my first rejection email!!!!  I'm on FIRE!!!!!!

The other thing that I'm really struggling with is my own mindset.  Bryce and I go to a counselor who helps us through this cancer stuff.  She's been able to identify for us that living with no stability is hard.  Cancer patients and their families have nothing they can rely on.  Bryce struggles with staying positive, hopeful & fighting for his life, while also preparing for the worst.  We both have thoughts like "is this the last time he sees this person."  He occasionally has thoughts like "is this the last 1st day of school I'm going to be here for."  Bowen is getting to play football this season because Bryce wants to make sure that he gets to watch him at least once.

YES..... we stay positive and fight for him live.
Yes we live life to the fullest.  However, those thoughts do creep in every now and then.

This week, Bowen has started football practice and I will be signing AJ up for martial arts today.  I'm going to log on and search for jobs. The boys are supposed to be cleaning their rooms.  Actually, Bowen's is done.  AJ's will hopefully be clean(ish) by Christmas.  I'm going to try to get out and go swimming a little bit with them.  Unless I get on with a school district, it's my last summer with them.  That's starting to sink in.  But I am trying to stay positive.  I HAVE TO #BSTRONG!!!!

Next week, Bryce gets his next scan,  We'll go to Houston Wednesday night for early morning scans on Thursday.  Then Friday afternoon, Dr. P will give us the news.  We know he has the 2 spots on his trachea.  We just pray that they are dying cells and NOT GROWING!  Everything is up in the air until we talk to her.  Then once we do, we either have a get a plan or we get another 2 months of peace.

Until then........ we just will enjoy this summer.  We made memories that will last us forever.  Looking for our specific prayer requests?
For cancer to just GO AWAY!!!
For me to find a job
For mental and emotional states to remain calm

Love to you all!!!!!